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John Deere DVD #1: Five Films: Approximately One hour, 22 minutes ~ The Inland Empire at Harvest Time—1961. Approx. 20 minutes. COLOR.
Wheat harvest in the Pacific Northwest with Hillside Combines. Des Moines and John Deere — Late 1950s. Approx. 20 minutes. COLOR A
tour of the Des Moines Works and field footage with Two-Cylinder “20” Series Tractors. March of Harvest Time—1953. Approx. 12 minutes.
COLOR. Features John Deere combines in action. Oddities in Farming —Late 1953. Approx. 11 minutes. COLOR. Unusual farming operations
with John Deere Tractors in Action. Industrial Tractors and Jobbed Equipment — Late 1958. Approx. 19 minutes. COLOR. Excellent film
with inside information. Footage on the John Deere-Holt Forklift, logging, etc.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #2: Five Films: Approximately One hour, 22 minutes ~ For Better Tractor Performance —1962. Approximately 32 minutes. Black & White
New Generation Tractor care and operation. Starts with two-cylinder footage; moves into New Generation 2010, 3010, and 4010.
Compares New Generation with “730”. EXCELLENT, and a MUST for person with or moving into the New Generation Tractors. Hitching and Adjusting Tractor-Drawn Moldboard Plows—Late 1961. Approximately 19 minutes. Black & White
Although dated 1961, this film features the “20” Series “520”, and “720”. Possibly the best modern plow-use film available. Easy-to-understand setup. The New 370 Sprayer—1963. Approximately 13 minutes. COLOR
Here’s a piece of equipment that was widely scattered in sales, but nobody seems to have. Let’s get one to a future Expo! Crawler Units for Bigger Profits—1961. Approximately 31 minutes. COLOR
The 1010 Crawler is shown in a variety of job site applications; construction, road building, commercial work. John Deere Industrial Tractors and Allied Equipment—1958. Approximately 16 minutes. COLOR
Superb. See a yellow “320” U lineup of 28 tractors; operational scenes throughout; still photos you’ve seen in the magazine come alive with action. There’s even a “720” and “820” blowing snow.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #3: Two Films: Approximately One hour, 56 minutes ~ John Deere Day Show 1961 —The 25th Anniversary. Approx. 87 minutes.
Mostly in COLOR. This is it; the film that introduced the New Generation Tractors! The Gordon Family and Severson Implement Co. lead in to
start the show, which takes you right along with the John Deere dealers that attended Deere Day in Dallas, August 30, 1960. Narration of one
portion by Walter Cronkite. Aerial views and descriptions of 16 major John Deere factories. There’s a wonderful inside look at engineering and
testing, plus plenty of field scenes with the new tractors and equipment. This movie is an absolute must for any John Deere devotee; even the diehard
Two-Cylinder collector. Farming Frontiers 1971—Approx. 30 minutes. COLOR Strictly a bonus film that we had available, it features the
New Generation Combines that came a decade after the tractors. Interviews with farmers. from around the country, and a lot of good field scenes. Ends
with a short film about John Deere Chain Saws.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #4: Two Films: Approximately One hour, 55 minutes ~ John Deere Day 1963— COLOR With two years under John Deere’s belt
with the New Generation, this 75-minute film provides a look inside with a 4010 cutaway tractor at a dealership. The explanation of the variable-
speed engine shows how the New Generation carried through with the legendary lugging power of the Two-Cylinder Tractors. There are
field scenes with new implements and introductions of new products, including the 1010 Special Row-Crop Utility Tractor — one of the most
collectible (and reasonably obtainable) tractors in the New Generation lineup, it was the only regular U.S.-built and sold New Generation
Tractor with a steel bucket seat. To finish up, 1960s T.V. anchor Howard K. Smith narrates visits to father-and-son dealerships. Industrial
Equipment — 1960. Approx. 40 minutes. COLOR. Only Two-Cylinder Tractors are featured, including the “830” I and “840” Diesel with
Hancock Scraper. Packed with footage of industrial tractors and a wide range of equipment in operation. A very significant film about the products
of a fast-growing segment of the John Deere collecting hobby.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #5: John Deere Classics — Three Great Old B/W Films: Murphy Delivers The Goods — 1936 (31 minutes.)A John Deere dealer
delivers a new Model “A” Tractor to a farmer. Excellent explanation of service and operation. The Tuttle Tugger — 1939 (34 minutes). A 70-
year-old comedy starring Arthur Lake of Dagwood Bumstead fame. See what he does with a Model “B”! A total mishap from start to finish. The Rejuvenation of Jim Knox — 1941 (29 minutes..) Originally intended only for dealer viewing, today this film is regarded to be the most valuable
half-hour lesson available to tractor collectors and restorers. A real bargain, they were previously available on three VHS video tapes at a total price of $58.95. Now on DVD at just $19.95 (plus s&h)
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #6: John Deere Day — 1957: The first year of the
“20” Series Tractors — COLOR (118 minutes). The first
year of the “20” Series Tractors. Includes: “Oddities In
Farming”; a feature about Self-Propelled Combines; the Gordon
Family film, “Please Pass the Pasture”; “Making Tractor
History”; and “What’s New for 1957.” A supplementary film
about “20” Series Crawlers, “Tractors for Woodland
Operations,” completes the 1957 presentation.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #7: John Deere Day — 1958: The second year of
the “20” Series Tractors — COLOR (96 minutes). The
second year of the “20” Series Tractors. Includes: Maple
syrup production in Vermont with the “420” C; six-row planting
and cultivating with the “720”; irrigation using an “820”
and other JD equipment; the Gordon Family film, “I Don’t
Believe It”; “720” Cutaway in operation; and “What’s New for
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #8: John Deere Day — 1959: The first year of the
“30” Series Tractors — COLOR (171 minutes). Bonus
Length: Includes a 36-minute film on Industrial Tractors.
Includes: “Oddities In Farming”; a tour of the JD Harvester
Works, “Building the Big Ones”; “What’s New for 1959”; and the
Gordon Family film, “Too Young to Retire,” introducing the
“30” Series. “What’s New in Industrial Equipment,” shows the
full line, including the “830” I and “840”.
$24.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #9: John Deere Day — 1960: The final year of the
“30” Series Tractors — COLOR (150 minutes). Host is
Walter Cronkite. Features include: “Oddities In Farming”;
plow manufacturing field reports on the “430”, “530”,
“630”, “730”, and “830”. “What’s New for 1960” features the
“435” and 8010. Final John Deere Day Show of the Two-
Cylinder Era. Includes a bonus film on “Why Only Two
$24.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #10: Two Films: Approximately One hour, 56 minutes ~ John Deere Day Show 1964. COLOR (116 minutes). Introduces “The
Latest Advance in the New Generation of Power,” the 3020 and 4020, as well as the Power Shift Transmission. “Modern Factories on Wheels,”
shows the updated combine line. “Report on the 5010 Tractor” goes to fields in North America to interview owners. John Deere Day 1964 introduced
the 110 Lawn & Garden Tractor, and it is shown in operation here with many implements and attachments. “What’s New” introduces
several new implements.
The recurring theme of John Deere Day 1964 is comedic T.V. personality Charlie Weaver trying to get to see the Deere show, and at the same
time avoid the amorous advances of Margaret Hamilton, who played The Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz.” Also featured is
Donna Douglas from “The Beverly Hillbillies” T.V. show.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #11: Two Films: Approximately One hour, 57 minutes ~ “Partners” — 1935 . Black & White (73 minutes). The first known John
Deere sound film, and the first of the Sheppard Series, a father and son farming team. Remarkable footage includes an excellent tour of the
Tractor Works at Waterloo, showing foundry and factory processes. “Four Sons” — 1930. Black & White.Silent. (73 minutes). The first known
movie about John Deere Tractors. See “GP” Standards and “Wide-Treads”, a Crossover “GPO” , and a variety of Model “D” Tractors in
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #12: Three Films: Approximately Two hours, 24 minutes ~ Sheppard & Son Series — 1936–1940. Sheppard & Son — 1936.
Black & White (96 minutes).Fascinating film footage of operations insideseveral John Deere factories. Different Tractor Works tour than shown
in “Partners — 1935” with many additional processes. See a flywheel being cast, and follow a Model “B” down the assembly line. Then go to
the field with several tractors; great footage from many parts of the country, including orchards, rice, hops, and the Midwest. Things you’ve
never seen before, and will not see again. Mr. Sheppard Looks Inside — 1938. Black & White (23 minutes). Another tour of the Tractor
Works at Waterloo, this time showing several additional functions not seen in the previous tours. The Sheppards Take A Vacation — 1940. Black&White (25 minutes). The best film ever made on the John Deere pull-type, straight-through combine.
$24.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #13: One Film: Approximately Two hours, 24 minutes ~ John Deere Day Show 1962 — 125 Years of John Deere. COLOR (144
minutes). George Gobel serves as host. Starts with “Best of Oddities in Farming,” followed by “Harvest D-Day” showing field footage of the 40,
42, 45, 55, 95, and 105. Next, “A Pattern for Performance” takes the viewer on a fine tour of tractor manufacturing operations — Waterloo and
Dubuque — from molten iron to making castings, and from machining to assembly. This is followed by excellent field footage showing a wide variety
of implements with the 1010, 2010, 3010, and 4010 in row crops, wheat country, rice, vegetables, and cotton while planting, cultivating, and
harvesting. Then, “What’s New for 1962” shows new implements with all tractor models; even the 8010.
$24.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #14: Two Films: Approximately Two hours, 27 minutes ~ John Deere Day Show 1965 — 125 Years of John Deere. COLOR (147
minutes). Several Hollywood personalities, including Henry Gibson and Margaret Hamilton, join in to create the connecting theme. John Deere
action begins with the 5010, and is followed by interviews with farmers about their experiences with combines. “Situation Well In Hand” features
the Power Shift Transmission and the Power Differential Lock, as well as other improvements on the 1965 3020 and 4020. “Shoulder High
By The 4th Of July” interviews farmers about minimum-tillage corn production, with field scenes of tractors and equipment. “New Hillside
Combine” introduces the 95H, and “1010” Country” shows field operations and user interviews from around the country.
Then, a lengthy “What’s New For 1965” shows many new products in field scenes with New Generation Tractors, including the rare 111 Self-
Propelled Peanut Combine in action.
$24.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #15: Two Films: Approximately One hour, 45 minute s~ John Deere Day Show 1966 — Power Train ‘66. COLOR (72 minutes). The famous Power Train is shown traveling through many areas of the country loaded with the “Long Green Line.” On-board conversation
leads to the 5020 Tractor and excellent field scenes. Then the 2510 is introduced, as well as several new and improved pieces of equipment in
“What’s New For 1966.” This is followed by the film that takes the viewer inside the Deere & Company Administrative Center (World
Headquarters), as well as various factories. “The Character of a Company” delivers a message established and clarified by Deere chairman
William (Bill) Hewitt: “We have no special advantage that cannot accrue to any other company.” TV Advertising Spots — 1967–1972.
COLOR (33 minutes). Over 30 TV advertising spots from 1967 to 1972 feature such products as the 1520, 4320, 4620, 5020, 7520, and 6030
Tractors; Weekend Freedom Machines and Patio Tractors, and much more.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #16: Four Films: ApproximatelyTwo hours, 40 minutes ~ John Deere Day Show 1967 — Opportunity ‘67. COLOR (125 minutes).
The biggest news in tractors was the 5020 Row-Crop, and there was plenty of coverage on the improved self-propelled combines. Film segments on
profitable harvesting of both small grain (wheat, rice) and row crops (corn, soybeans) are included. There is historic footage of industrial designer
Henry Dreyfuss talking to the viewer right from his work desk. Then comes a unique look at farming practices in Europe. Bonus Films: “In the
Field with the Model ‘L’” — 1939. Black & White (12 minutes). The only known John Deere film exclusively about the Model “L”. “Lucky Runaway”
—1942.COLOR. (12 minutes). A team of horses becomes spooked and destroys a horse-drawn mower. The farmer decides to replace it with a No.
5 to go with his Model “B”. Factory scenes of mower manufacturing. “Unusual Jobs for Unusual Tractors” —1958. COLOR (11 minutes). Most
scenes are of “420” Tractors in unusual job assignments, including a U.S. Navy “420” at work moving aircraft.
$24.95, plus s&h
JOHN DEERE DAY #17 (FARMING FRONTIERS) ‘72, ‘73, and ‘74 Super-Bonus Length: Three hours, 54 Minutes — Here are all of the original John Deere Day motion pictures able to be located for 1972, 1973, and 1974! Numerous unusual subjectsare covered, including environmental problems, crime on the farm, and forward contracting. But most viewers will want this video for its introduction of Generation II at Waterloo, in the exact location where the first three Two-Cylinder Expos were held. The 30 Series Utility Tractors are also introduced, as are Low-Profile Tractors, the 4230 and 4430 Hi-Crops, and the Creeper Transmission. Many other machines and implements are also covered. Sit down with your friends for almost four hours of viewing enjoyment and education!
$29.95, plus s&h
JOHN DEERE DAYS #18 — 1947, 1948, and 1949 Super-Bonus Length: Three hours, 29 Minutes — This rare post-war footage covers many new products, including tractors. The new gasoline-engined Models “A” and “B” are introduced, and so is the Model “M”. See plenty of tractors and implements in action. John Deere Day-1949 features the first Gordon Family film, as well as the first color movie for a John Deere Day. In wheat country, you’ll enjoy seeing Styled “Ds”, the Model “G”, and a brand-new Model “R” Diesel.
$29.95, plus s&h
JOHN DEERE DAYS #19 — 1951, 1952, and 1953 Bonus Length: Two hours, 24 Minutes — In “Oddities in Farming,” you’ll finally see why those aftermarket super-high-clearance Model “B” Tractors were built. Expect almost two and a half hours of a wide variety of John Deere products, including a “Just For Dealers” introduction of the New “50” and “60”. Among the implements introduced is the famous 227 Corn Picker.
$24.95, plus s&h
JOHN DEERE DAYS #20 — 1954 and 1955 Super-Bonus Length: Three hours, 3 Minutes — There’s plenty to enjoy with these fine films. This time the Gordon Family gets involved with farm safety. “What’s New” covers LPGas tractors, the new Model “70”, and even the great “70” Row-Crop Diesel. Power Steering is introduced, and so is the “60” Standard. See the “40” Utility as Dubuque’s answer for grove and orchard owners. Over three hours of viewing, with lots of field footage of tractors and equipment.
$29.95, plus s&h
DVD #21 .JOHN DEERE DAY (FARMING FRONTIERS) ‘75 and ‘76 COLOR. Super-Bonus Length: Three hours, 38 Minutes — “Farming Frontiers” films often took a bigger step in the direction of farm technology and management; somewhat beyond that of primarily concentrating on John Deere product introductions and entertainment features, as had been the case with earlier John
Deere Day presentations. Farming Frontiers ‘75 and Farming Frontiers ‘76 do exactly that by including financial considerations, farm
exports, and other subjects. But, these films are crucial to the collector as they introduce the Generation II 4WD Tractors; more L&
Tractors; the latest Hillside Combine; and highly collectible utility-sized tractors (both the U.S. and Canadian versions), including the
Low-Profile version for groves and orchards. Over 3-1/2 hours of relaxing entertainment.
$29.95 plus s&h
John Deere DVD #22: JOHN DEERE DAYS 1968 and 1969 COLOR. Bonus Length: Two hours, 16 Minutes
John Deere Days 1968 and 1969 are featured on this video. Many new implements are shown in action with tractors in the “What’s
New” segments. Tractor introductions include the 1020 and 2020 Orchard models; the 1520; the new 2520; the updated and more powerful 3020, 4020, and 5020; and the “Turbo-Built” 4520.
$24.95 plus s&h
John Deere DVD #23: .“What’s New”: 1937–1942 and “Making Tractor History” – 1941 B/W. Bonus Length: Two hours, 45 Minutes
The “What’s New” segments show new John Deere products introduced for each of the six years from 1937 to 1942, including the styled Models “A” and “B” Tractors. There is an extensive amount of field footage showing tractors in action. “Making Tractor History” is a very interesting and informative 68-minute film that takes the viewer all the way from the Froelich, to the Waterloo Boy, to the present day (1941), including high-clearance models. Any enthusiast with an interest in pre-war tractors will really appreciate
$24.95 plus s&h
John Deere DVD #24: JOHN DEERE DURING and JUST AFTER WORLD WAR II B/W. Length: Two hours, 1 Minute
“Wartime Care of Your Tractor” segment provided essential instructions during the war, and provides invaluable lessons for today’s operator or collector of vintage John Deere Tractors. “Time Savers for Wartime Tractors” shows labor-saving methods during that period of manpower shortage. “Looking Ahead with John Deere,” produced in 1946, provides a look at the considerable product progress that the company was able to accomplish during World War II, including footage of the experimental Model “M”, the experimental Model “R” (“MX”) Tractor, and much more. This video is a must for the John Deere enthusiast who wants to know it all.
$19.95, plus s&h
John Deere DVD #25: The Lost Expo II Videos” Color. Bonus Length: More than 6 hours of viewing!
There will be two DVDs in a single package, totaling over six hours of viewing! The primary content features Ken Berns as he moves from tractor to tractor discussing its history and features. Several tractor owners are interviewed, and other experts discuss tractors from the Waterloo Boy through the “Lettered” Models. There is much to learn from this video set! There are no “Numbered” Models or New Generation Tractors on these videos. Even so, we regard them to be a “must have” for all vintage John Deere Tractor enthusiasts.
The few people who have had the opportunity to join and watch as the videos were being edited have said, “Everyone needs to see these!” Interestingly, none of these people own anything older than a “20” Series Two-Cylinder Tractor!
Click below to order the two DVD set at $39.95 plus S&H.
NOTE: Shipping one DVD set is $6.00 and 2 or more DVD sets is $12.00.
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$39.95, plus s&h
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Does not include the double DVD #25 set
Pick any 3 for Only $49.95!!
Does not include the double DVD #25 set