Over the past couple of months, we have been overwhelmed with requests from readers who are anxious to know if the
1969 and later 3020 or 4020 they already own was originally equipped with Power Front-Wheel Drive. The discovery of
production records that list such tractors has been reported on in recent issues of Two-Cylinder.
The requests are now often including the desire for information on whether or not the tractor is listed as a Standard,
because regular production codes from 1969 on do not differentiate a Standard from a Row-Crop Tractor. And, the
requests have expanded to include 4320, 4520, and 4620 Tractors.
Many of these requests have come in the form of lists of several tractors owned by individuals, and the total number of
tractors is approaching one thousand! Obviously, at an average research-only time of about 20 minutes per tractor — as
two separate ledgers have to be accessed to do this — the task of just providing a “yes” or “no” answer is far beyond our
capability. Twenty thousand minutes in eight-hour days equates to about two months of doing nothing but that.
A system is already in place for Serial Number Research. We are obviously going to have to stick with that system,
including the issuing of documents rather than providing informal verbal or written responses to persons desiring production
information. The regular price of research is $35.00 per tractor. If the requester believes the tractor was originally
equipped with PFWD, that needs to be stated at the time of the request. The additional research then conducted is an
additional $15.00. If the tractor does not show as having PFWD (also known as HFD, HFWD, and Hydro), the additional
$15.00 will not be charged.
In the case of Standards, there will be no additional charge. However, the requester must inform us of his belief that the
tractor is or may be a Standard. If this is not done, the additional records that differentiate a Standard from a Row Crop
will not be accessed.
In addition to the situation described above, there have been countless phone calls from people wondering
if this or that tractor advertised on auction or otherwise is a genuine PFWD. Clearly, we are not in a position
to be able to answer such questions. We have no personal knowledge of the tractors, and don’t
even have a way to know if the reported serial number is authentic. It is up to the person interested
in the tractor to do his own investigation, which of course may include a Research Request that
we can process.
Serial Number Researches are available for a fee, as described above and on the back cover, but
are also available as part of the benefits of Gold and Platinum Membership, and as no-cost Premiums
for current members who sponsor a new member. There are members who introduce the organization
to others on a regular basis, and in doing so have earned many free researches. Sponsorship doesn’t necessarily
mean gifting a membership to someone. Most of the time it merely involves introducing the Club, the magazine, and
other benefits of membership to a non-member. When that person joins, have them mention your name so you can
receive your choice of Premiums. |